
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Cycle of a Butterfly, Shamrocks, and some sunshine!

My Kinders are knee deep in the Life Cycle of a Butterfly unit.  They love this activity we did yesterday.  You can find the printable here at Making Learning Fun.  I used a bean for the egg, macaroni for the caterpillar, a shell for the chrysalis, and bowtie pasta for the butterfly. 

Here's some pictures:

To add some character, I had them use markers to color the pasta.

Super fun, super cute and a great way to visually see the life cycle! :)

I teach at a Catholic School, so St. Patrick's day is more than leprechauns and pots of gold in our school (although I LOVE that part of St. Patty's Day... click HERE for the fun activity we did last week with leprechauns).  St. Patrick used the Shamrock to teach about the Trinity.  Here's how my Kinders showed the Trinity:

And to end this post on a sunshiney spring note:
I came to school on Tuesday to these on my desk.  I love when kids send flowers in for the teacher :)

OH and please spread the word.  I'm 6 followers away from my giveaway celebrating 100 followers!!!  Come one, come all- let's get to 100 and sign up for a chance to win some GREAT prizes!

It's beautiful here in Indiana today- I'm out to enjoy the weather with my boys!

Question for this time:  What is your favorite part about spring time??


  1. That life cycle project looks great!

    Spring favorite: busting out the ol' grill again! We always pack it away in the garage for the winter. I have a weird thing about eating meat that is cooked in the oven, so I am SO ready for the grill come spring!!

    6 more!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I added you to the Kind. list! :)
    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher

  3. Love the pasta idea and those flowers are beautiful.
    Dragonflies in First

  4. Spring is evil....E.V.I.L!
    {I am just bitter because I can't breathe right now}

    6 more@!!!!!!!

  5. I just popped in to bring you up to 95 followers! I am hoping you get there soon.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  6. I am SO doing those pasta life cycles with my kids this spring. I'm your newest follower!
    I love the way the air smells, and the sun feels at about 6:00, all golden and syrupy.
    Come check me out at


  7. I'm your 100th follower! I doesn't seem to be working quite right. Anyways, my favorite part of spring is the extra hours of sunlight! (my allergies don't agree though!)

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  8. Just found your blog. Cute stuff. I'm your newest follower!

  9. Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love that I get to wear all those pretty dresses

    I just found your blog and I am your newest follower

    I would love for you to join be in all the fun and follow my blog too!-Ms. Patterson

    Pocket Full of Kinders


What do you think?