
Monday, March 19, 2012

Must See Websites and a Giveaway!

I attended a techonolgy training put on by the tech crew at my school.  I always look forward to this day- they really spend time helping you on the needs and questions you have.  There's a loose agenda, and time for you to ask questions specific to your needs.  So I always leave with a sense of learning new *and useful* tips.

I'd like to share what I learned-

Great websites:
BrainNook  A plethora of great online games focused on reading and math!
Speakaboos  Bring stories, legends, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes to life!
Pete's PowerPoint Station  A gazillion ready-made PowerPoint presentations at your fingertips!
Jefferson Count Schools, TN  More PowerPoint presentations for all categories!
Kinetic City  FUN online science games!  You can play them as the teacher on a projector so the kids can play along- or set them up at their own computers in the lab to play!
Graves, KY PowerPoints  MORE PowerPoints- ready made and ready to use!
Cool Math  Similar to FunBrain- the kids will love this!
Worksheet Works  I'm not a worksheet pusher, but if you need a quick re-enforcement tool- here's what you've been looking for!  Customizable to what you need.  Sweet!

I hope you get some great use out of these.  Here's my question:

Do you use any of these already?  How do you like them?  Do you have any others to add to the list that I should check out??

Oh- and don't forget to sign up for my giveaway- it's Grand-tacular ;)  Click HERE to enter to win these:

And one more thing :)  Don't forget to link up to Jeannie's linky party to gather all K-2 blogs in one spot **GENIUS**  :)  Click HERE to link up :)  Thanks Jeannie- you are making my blog surfing much, much easier! :)


  1. Thanks for the new sites!

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Thanks for the links! I just found your site and I'm your newest follower! I love it!

    The Daily Alphabet

  3. Thanks for the sites! I always love discovering new resources :)


    Stories from Room 114


What do you think?