
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to School

OK- so I promised to be not so MIA during the summer on my last post, and I just have to apologize!  I couldn't seem to find time to get on my computer to blog.  I guess that's what happens when 2 little boys, a garden, canning said garden produce, book clubs, photography, cleaning, yard saling, and being pregnant all happen in one summer. Sooo----

Let me apologize and reward your patience with my very first literacy center of the year.  Click here to download it from google docs. Here's what you'll find:

The literacy center agenda:
 Student objectives:
 What you'll need to do to prepare them:
 Writing prompt:
 playdough workmat
 ... and record sheet
 letter tiles work mat
 plus the big books record sheet, teacher center and poetry center materials, etc.  I didn't take screen shots of it all- but it's all right there for you to use, FREE as a reward for your patience with me.  I promise to blog more now that school has started and it's on my mind :)

Here's a glimpse of how I put my literacy centers into action:

If the student is at the Playdough center, they grab the bin.  It has the playdough, cookie cutters, work mats, and record sheets they will need.  They go to a table and get to work.  Before I let them go solo, I do every center as a whole group first to show them what I expect them to do.  It works great!  The only centers that don't have bins are "teacher" and "writing".  Writing is in drawer that sits on top of this cabinet (you can see the bottom of it in the top of this picture.)  It hold the writing prompt and that's all.  They use their pencil bags to complete the prompt.

I collect all the record sheets to make sure they are doing their work.  I staple them together and send them home as a packet for mom/dad to see.

There you have it- August literacy centers.  I'll be sure to update as I get more finished.  Check TPT or TN for more literacy centers I did from last year.

I'd like to close with a recent family pic.  My fam went to Gulf Shores the last week of summer vacation- and it was amazing!  My sister-in-law snapped these family pics for me, and I just love them!  Which should I frame for my house?

* The boys each got a shark tooth necklace, and they just HAD to wear them in the pictures!

Oh, and I just signed up for an awesome giveaway over at Ruby Slippers
She's giving away a custom blog design!  Sign up!


  1. LOVE them both, but I pick the second picture for a big print! Pinning you......

  2. LOVE them both, but I pick the second picture for a big print! Pinning you......


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