
Saturday, October 6, 2012


It's October (I can't believe it!  But, I know, neither can any of us!) and I am joining Farley for her Currently, so here's mine:

October is both of my boys' birthday months- so it's the time of year when they both get to enjoy some new toys- their favorite this year, matchbox cars!

And because it's birthday month for both boys, we have campfires, chili in a big cast iron kettle, smores, and all sorts of fall-time fun!

The husband and I have been batting around baby names for quite some time, and we've finally narrowed it down- we still have a few months, so anything can happen- but Caroline and John are what we have settled... for now :)

A MAID!  That's all I need to say- I just need help keeping up with all the laundry that comes with 2 rough and tumble boys!!!

Fall break is next week, praise the Lord!! :)  We adopted the modified calendar, so I get a full week- can I get a whoop, whoop!

Head over to join the fun :)  Thanks Farley!


  1. Love the names you have chosen for the baby. I wish I had thought about saying I wanted a maid....I could really use one!

    Congratulations on having a whole week for fall break! Enjoy!!

    Mrs. B's Nook

  2. I just found your blog through Currently. I love the name Caroline- so sweet!
    October is my birthday month, too... great month for birthdays. ;)

    First with Franklin

  3. Hi from Lollipops and Snapshots!

    I love the name Caroline so precious! The cooler weather around our parts has turned to winter...which I LOVE!

    Smiles, Britni


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