Thursday, January 12, 2012

Math Stations

Centers Part 2: Math
I have 7 Math Stations.  The kids BEG to do math stations.  I think they love the independence.

Station 1:  Manipulatives.  Here, I put any manipulatives I feel the kids need more exposure to.  Currently, they are working with money... and since money isn't a Common Core Standard- who knows why?!?! they are adding money.  I feel like money is a life skill and I'm not about to let it go by the wayside... so we just double up and do money and addition.  Here-they are using magnetic coins.  I've also put linking cubes, counters, dice, pattern blocks, geoboards, etc.  If you can manipulate it, it's here!
Station 2:  Sensory.  I don't change the sensory tub in between my afternoon learning centers and math stations... I just give the math station a math objective.  Adding, subtracting, comparing, dividing, patterning, etc.  You get the point :)
Station 3: Teacher.  Here is the one I love most because I get to spend small group time with the kids and really individualize instruction.  I got these mats from KindergartenWorks.  (Thanks, Leslie!)  I also have a stack of work mats that I got from F is for First Grade (Thanks, Melissa!) that I keep at the table for the kids to work on in case I have to leave the station to help someone.  I put them in clear page protectors so the kids can write on them with dry erase markers.
Station 4: Computers.  We use Saxon Math, and it came with a Saxon Math game.  I love this game because it goes all the way up to 3rd grade.  So, I can challenge my high level thinkers to the upper grade games.  They love it too!
Station 5: iPads.  I am blessed to have 2 iPads in my classroom.  The kids LOVE them! (obvi)  So, I search the App store for Math related games and they play them :) If I can't find any I like that fit the standard I'm teaching, they use the Chalkboard App to work the skill being taught.
Station 6:  Work Mats.  I have a ton of Math workmats, and the kids get to use them at this station.  Here, specifically, they are subtracting.  (Put 5 birds in the pet store.  Take 2 birds home.  How many birds are left at the pet store.  Use number tiles to write the number sentence.)  I got these from during their dollar days.  L.O.V.E. dollar days!! :)

Station 7: Teacher Correct.  The kids love this center because they get to grade MY homework.  :)  These new Common Core Standards are all about thinking.  I figure, why not have them grade papers!  Here's my thinking... instead of them adding 2+2 and figuring out it's 4, why not solve it for them, and ask them to critique my work.  Are they still adding 2+2?  YES  Are they still figuring out that it's 4?  YES.  So, why not give them some avenues to think about how I may have gotten my answer, and justify why it's wrong and why they are right.  Now, granted, it's pretty cut and dry with addition and subtraction... but think about dividing, patterning, etc.  There's a lot of room for higher level thinking here.
I even spoil them with markers! stickers! the whole 9 yards.  I always write "I'll try harder next time!" or "Thanks for helping me figure this out!" or something along those lines when I'm checking their work.  They eat.this.up!
So, there you have it- my math stations.

Don't forget- I love comments and followers! :)


  1. Love the idea of the teacher correct station! You are so right that the standards are all about think and explaining your thinking! Thanks for sharing.
    - Leslie

  2. I absolutely LOVE the teacher correct station!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!! I can't wait to try it!! And I love your other centers, too. Totally jealous of your iPads. So jealous, I can't see straight.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher


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