Monday, January 30, 2012

Tagged. ;)

Not facebook tagged- not old school freeze tag- not pinterest tagged, it's BLOG TAG! :)

I was tagged twice, so I've got 2 sets of questions to answer... here goes! :)

1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 10 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Fun Facts about me:
 1.  I'm training for a half marathon- the hardest thing I've done so far in my life!
2.  I live within 10 minutes of both my parents and my in-laws.  I'm blessed to have all of my family so close!
3.  I used to be a cheerleader, tennis player, and swimmer.  Now, I play tennis and run :)
4.  I'm starting my life as a parent with a school aged child next year- Wade will be old enough for preschool and it terrifies me!!!
5.  I'm a reality TV junkie.
6.  I have a photography biz on the side :)
7.  I teach at a Catholic School.  
8.  I recently did an addition on my house- you can check it out at my personal blog: To the Moon and Back
9.  I live in Indiana, and we are so excited to be hosting SuperBowl!!!!!!!!
10.  I can't wait to go to the blogger meet up on Saturday!!!
11.  I collect Willow Tree figurines.
12.  I drive fast.... probably too fast...

Staci from Going Nutty asked me these questions:
1. When was the last time you talked to your high school sweetheart? hmm... at my 10 yr class reunion over the summer.

2. What is the most important quality in your lovey- dovey? he's so funny! and he's a good daddy.  Can I list 2??

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Has it ever happened to you? yes- I only dated my husband for 6 months before he proposed!  When you know... you just know! 

4. Where is the most romantic place you have gone for a date? Hubs took me to his family pond and proposed- that was romatical :)

5. Does your sweetie support you in the blogging world? (The Mr thinks it's silly).  um- he knows I have a personal blog and likes it- not sure he knows about the teaching one :)

6. If you could plan a getaway with your honey, where would you go? We'd go to Alaska.  Ben wants to see the northern lights.

7. What is one word that best describes you both as a couple? happy:)

8. How long have you been with your honey-bunny? 5 yrs this coming October.

9. What is the best present you have ever received for Valentine's Day? a card- Hubs is a good writer :)

10. What is best present you have given to someone for Valentine's Day? I got Ben (husband) a NY Jets watch.  He (and I) love the NY Jets!

11. Where was your first date? oh gosh- I have a HORRIBLE memory!!  Husband could tell you EVERY LAST DETAIL!  what I wore, he wore, what we ate, etc.  All I remember is I asked him to take me to PetSmart to get a dog bed for my new dog while we were in the city.  HAHA!!!  and he did!!!!

12. Why don't you show ME some love and add me to your Blog Roll!?!?!?!? <3 Smooches!! You know I would, Staci, but I don't have a blogroll and I don't know how to make one.  I just mastered the button- so maybe I'll figure out the blogroll next!!! :)
Bonnie from Living a Wonderful Life  asked me these questions:
  1. What state do you live in? Indiana!  Yeah Super Bowl 2012!

  2. Do you collect anything? I collect Willow Tree figurines :)

  3. What is your favorite color? GREEEEEEEEEN!!!!!
  4. Do you do anything work related on the weekend? um, I'm a teacher, that's a big YES!!!!

  5. What is your favorite food? Italian- anything Italian!  pizza, spaghetti, alfredo, yum!

  6. How long is your commute to work? 25 minutes :)  I like to listen to books on CD to pass the time away! :)

  7. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? My husband would want to buy the land below our hill by our house and turn it into a horse ranch.

  8. How do you spend your time when you're relaxing? reading- I joined a book club and we are reading MIDWIVES... great book... so far!
  9. How many weddings have you been in? um, I'm gonna guess about 14.
  10. What is your favorite place you've visited? Gatlinburg, TN.  Our honeymoon, and it was just really a cozy place to stay.
  11. If you weren't a teacher, what would you be? It was a toss-up between teacher and nurse, so I'm gonna go with nurse.
  12. you have any?  How many do you have/want? I have 2:  Wade and Henry.  I want 2 more: Caroline and Clare.  (see how I have my whole life mapped out... haha, I'm not sure what I would do if I had another boy.  Maybe a Matthew?)

    and now my questions:

    1.  What blog are you stalking right now?
    2.  What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
    3.  What did you get for Christmas?
    4.  What is your favorite App?
    5.  What's your favorite TV show?
    6.  What do you eat for breakfast?
    7.  Do you have any nicknames?
    8.  What is your favorite time of the school day?
    9.  Do you have a balanced school calendar?  Year round school?  Traditional Calendar?
    10.  Mac or PC?
    11.  What's your favorite number?
    12.  Who are you rooting for in the presidential election?

    And here's who I'm tagging:

    Tammy from Forever in 1st
    Emily from A Cricus of Learning
    Abby from The Inspired Apple

    Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits
    Beth from Living Life Intentionally

    Mor from A Teacher's Treasure
    Krissy from Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business
    Heather from Heather's Heart
    Kate from Kate's Kindergarten

    There you have it... now you are IT! :)


  1. "romantical" love it!
    I tell my sweeties that they are so "smartical" all the time and I wink- so they add "ical" to everything and try to wink at me!

    Going Nutty!

  2. Good luck with the half. I've been running for years but did my first half last summer in Seattle. It was too much fun. I'm signed up for this year's too!
    Forever in First

  3. Just found your blog!!!! I'm super excited to look at all your stuff and you have some great links to other sites! Mine is

    Looking forward to seeing your ideas! :)


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